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Hook Assembly - OUCH!

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I haven't quilted in a while because I've been busy piecing. I volunteered to quilt 3 donation baby quilts for my guild's president and decided to get started today. I was basting the batting to the backing and there was a terrible terrible noise and the machine turned off and wouldn't turn on. Oh Oh! I found the spare fuse and replaced it. Turned the hand wheel and got the needle up and of course it was broken so removed it. Removed the bobbin case and what to my wondering eyes should appear but this! Oh no!

Bless Amy and her fine instruction. I got the maintenance manual out and followed along to remove the hook assembly - needed DH for some muscle on that. I had a used assembly that I installed, timed the machine, got back up and running and got one of the quilts finished. Did I say Bless Amy?! I took the maintenance class over a year ago and thanks to her I was still able to take care of Millie. If you haven't taken Amy's maintenance class I highly recommend it. Take the 2 day class if you can swing it.:)


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Julie, I had a spare hook assembly only because I replaced the assembly on my green Millie when it was in for service last year, at Christie's recommendation. She said the hook had some bad spots, but I kept it and that's what I'm using now. I've quilted with it again today and there doesn't seem to be a problem, but I'll be getting a new one, just in case this one really is bad, even though after 1-1/2 baby quilts it hasn't given me a problem. At about $85 it isn't something that a person would normally have stashed away. :o

Timing the Millie wasn't difficult, either. My biggest problem with the entire process that I went through yesterday was being able to see well enough to do it right. These old eyes don't focus as good as they used to. Maybe I can make that bent hook assembly, along with broken needles and used rotary blades into a piece of art :P:P:P

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