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They come with a complete set of instructions and take about an hour to install...if you have another set of hands to help it does go a bit better, but you can do it yourself...

Also there is always someone here on the forum that can help if you get into a problem and I'm always just a phone call away if you need.

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They were actually pretty easy...much easier than the ER's were. They came with good instructions. I did it the hard way because I took my poles off and then slid the head off the carriage and laid it down to take off the wheels. This was easier for me because I had my husband helping. That is NOT necessary though.

First of all...READ the instructions. Then lay out all of your parts like the picture shows. The important thing is to do one wheel at a time. And don't mix up your old stuff with your new stuff.

Be sure to read your instructions as you go along and have the correct tools on hand to make it go faster. I adjusted my cams like the girls here said to and I was off and running.

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