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Healthy Lifestyle 8/11

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How are y'all doing with the healthy eating and exercise plans? The heat sort of messed up outdoor exercise so what did you do?

I am now down 10 lbs to my weight loss goal. Low fat, low carb and lots of fresh fruit veggies, and lean meat has done it. Lots of iced water and Crystal Light too!

It also helps to get busy quilting and forget to snack!

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Have not been good. Seem like just way too much going on to get back into eating right. With all the hot humid and "bad" air exercise was not an option for those of us with any asthma issues, even staying mostly inside with the ac it still causes problems. This cooler weather this week is good. Now to re-vamp my frig etc this weekend with healthy and start in on some work-outs. I have a 4 day week-end with 2 vacation days from work --so it's a good time to get started.

Good Luck everyone

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They are Shakeology by beachbody.com. I read an article about them in a magazine and they are supposed to be one of the healthiest on the market. They are a little pricey but I have to say the curved all my cravings and I felt better while I was on them. I really didn't want to stop them but I had to get to the bottom of the hives and the only way to do it is to stop everything and add back one at a time. They do taste good and they are CHOCOLATE! LOL They have a greenberry one that I haven't tried yet. They are 140 calories. I add a banana and 2 Tsp of peanut butter and it lasts me until lunch time. I do really like them. Another good protein shake is Muscle Milk. It is whey protein. They also taste good. I got the french vanilla and usually add frozen strawberries or some other frozen fruit to make a smoothie. It works for me. They don't stop my cravings like the shakeology shake does though.

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I have to tell myself, eat to live rather than live to eat. If I keep that mantra in my head, I do much better. Having been enjoying all the different fresh fruits that have been coming to market. When it is so hot, salads taste great. Lettuce, other veggies, some berries and grilled chicken have become a favorite of mine this summer.

Too hot outside to exercise so took advantage of the indoor pool and indoor exercise bike at the YMCA.

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I've lost a few pounds, but more importantly, inches. I have been walking every day. Just got new pedals on my bike and had it tuned up so I am looking forward to some rides. Also planning to start some kettlebells this weekend. Most importantly, I feel better!

I happened on a really good tea. It is Yogi Green Tea Blueberry Slim Life. It says it helps suppress appetite and it really does! I have problems with whey protein so have to use something dairy free. The best I have found is by Standard Process.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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