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Does anyone else have extended warranties on there machines?

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I've never purchased an extended warranty for one of my machines. I think if there are going to be problems with a machine it is going to show up in the first year while the original warranty is in effect. If you care for them as indicated in the owner's manual, have them serviced periodically with frequency dependent on amount of use, you most likely will never need an extended warranty. I think studies have proven that the winner in the enxtended warranty business are those that sell them because they aren't used a great deal. JMHO

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Originally posted by yankiequilter

I've never purchased an extended warranty for one of my machines. I think if there are going to be problems with a machine it is going to show up in the first year while the original warranty is in effect. If you care for them as indicated in the owner's manual, have them serviced periodically with frequency dependent on amount of use, you most likely will never need an extended warranty. I think studies have proven that the winner in the enxtended warranty business are those that sell them because they aren't used a great deal. JMHO

I think they're out just to get our money! I'm pretty particular about my machines and the care/cleaning etc. is no problem for me as I do it after I'm done for the day or have given it a massive workout. I've had it only about 2 months, so I suppose I don't need to worry. I'd rather spend my $$ buying more fabric anyway....:P Thanks Yankie

BTW, I've never seen the JMHO but I knew exactly what you said. Just my honest opinion. I'll have to remember that.

Have a good day....


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An extended warranty is the manufacturer betting you that something will go wrong with their product and making you pay for peace of mind. If that's all you want, go for it. But if you do your homework and research what you are buying, you can see what the average repair history is and whether there are problems with "lemon" machines. APQS is as reputable as you can get and I think only offer the extended warranty for those timid (dare I say?;)) females...who want to know that if something goes wrong it will be fixed.

The mechanicals in these machines are hand-built and tested so if there is a problem it will show up in the electronics.

See if replacing a motherboard is less expensive than the warranty. If it is, pass!

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I choose not to purchase the extended warranty ~ then my 2006 Milli froze up for no reason , been quilting every day next day when I turned her on only the lights worked [ I had a month 1/2 left on my warranty ] very scary so to make a long story short ~ I contacked Mryna she help me upgrade to a 2010 with LED lights + quilt glide which also comes with a eight year warranty .... so very bad things happen with our very expensive machines which work fine one day then poof nothing , I still have no idea what happen to freeze my Milli up , for no one is talking ....

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Extended warranties are usually a waste of money. Most are expensive and really don't cover much (read the fine print). Honestly, I feel the best way to go, is to put the money into a trade-in for a new machine when your machine gets close to its 8 year point or when you start having major problems. There will be enough improvemends/upgrades to warrant the price which shouldn't be hugh. Our machines keep their value and make upgrading relatively inexpensive.

However, if you don't want to upgrade, send your machine to the factory for a SPA treatment at least once every 5 years they will make it purr like new.

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Oma - I have a Janome MC6300 Consistency is a bit of a problem for me as I try to maintain a variable speed. I'll lower the switch tomorrow. The thread I'm not really sure, I got it on ebay trying to get a good deal on a large spool of thread at $3 something for 3000 yd. I know what you are thinking and it maybe it wasn't a deal after all!

Tamarack – My machine is new and I haven't broken any needles on it yet, so that wouldn't be the problem. I'm very careful not too.

Kathy A – I am learning about cheap threads right now as I am typing this. LOL I thought I was getting a great deal by buying bigger spools of threads. They are ok in my Serger because it seems that it is stronger when combined. Do they make large spools of thread with heavier weight? I sure don't want to repair those quilts two or three years later!

Mrs A – I have lots to learn and try to keep a constant speed up to do this. I'll keep all you guys informed.

Linda - I often wonder if they intentionally set up electronics to purposely malfunction/breakdown just right before or as soon as the warranty runs out. Maybe not such a coincidence?

Gator - I know what you know....but who actually reads the fine print? The next machine I buy will be a LA but that's a ways down the road.

Heidi - Don't say things like that, you might jinx yourself, LOL. Especially if you've got a quilt on and a deadline!

Hey Thanks for all your responses! It's a delight to learn from you guys that already know the ins/outs of quilting and LA. Some day I'll be where you are and there will be another like me asking the same questions and I can help them!! That's what's most important helping others to learn. ;)

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