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Mount CL & rear Laser

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Not much response in the CL heading so I thought I would try herel

Hi ladies,

I have just mounted my CL stylus and the rear laser.

Please refer to the pic:

The laser mount that is attached to the stylus mount sits in a different positon than where it sits when attached to just the laser mount from APQS. (further in)

In the pic I am holding the mount from APQS just for reference.

When the CL stylus is attached, the laser sits closer to the bed of the machine.

When the laser is attached to the APQS mount, it sits further out from the bed.

I want to leave the stylus and laser in place all the times.

Does this position matter in accordance with the needle position?



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Hi Tonilyn.

Mine is set up differently. I have only the CL bracket attached to my Liberty. I removed the original laser post you show to the right of the CL bracket.

I put the laser post in the hole on TOP (not on the side) of the CL bracket, so my laser post sticks up.

Not sure it matters where the laser/CL stylus are in relation to the sewing needle...as long as the one you are using does not move while you are using it.

Michale or Kay can clarify...contact them. They are wonderful and know it all!!

Good luck - you will love your CL! The designs are beautiful.

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The position of the laser is fine on the CL mount, it does not affect the needle at all. Just position the laser where you want it for that design and then don't move it throughout the rest of that panto (quilt) and you will be fine. You can aim it out a little bit also so you do not lose visibility if the machine gets in the way of the light. You just don't want it aimed out too far so it starts to distort the pattern.

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