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digital inspection camers

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Never thought of using this for checking stitching in quilting... my bro is an instructor of vehicle mechanics and he uses one all the time down/around/in the vehicle engine and underneath. I don't know the brand he has, but the pic is perfectly clear although I've seen him have to fiddle with adjusting the flexible tube quite a bit (but then he's navigating around an engine or parts). Interesting idea here, you wouldn't have to have anything mounted on your machine - check the underneath when needed and set aside. I just may ask to borrow his personal one and try it. I'm sure it would work as a portable means of checking stitching.

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A gal on the Nolting list posted about this camera a couple of weeks ago. DH bought me one from Harbor Freight. It does indeed work and shows the stitches very well. BUT...

One thing to note. The "cord" is rather long and rigid, making it hard to position just where you want it to see the stitches, and in order to see the stitch definition well, it has to be positioned at just the right distance.

I am returning mine as I find it too difficult to use and hold accurately. I have to walk to the back of the frame and put it under the quilt sandwich back there in order to be able to get it positioned good enough to see the stitching.

This is just my experience. The gal who originally posted on the Nolting site likes hers, though she did mention the "cord" length was an issue for her, too.

If anyone is inclined to order one of these, Google Freight Harbor coupons. I hear there is a 20% or 25% off coupon that you can use on online purchases.

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