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Customer show quilt - need advice

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This quilt was pieced by one of our Guild members - she plans to show it at a couple of local/regional shows this year. I am quilting it in exchange for some assistance/instruction from her on piecing Judy Niemeyer's "Glacier Star," so the quilting is all on me. I asked her for guidance, and her response was, " I never tell my quilter how to quilt my quilt. You are the expert."

So I'm coming to all the experts out there for advice - what do I quilt on this top? It's not next in the rotation, so there's some time to think on it, and for me to practice whatever seems to fit the top.


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Is that border a little wonky or is it just the way it is hanging? I would say that it needs more masculine details vs feminine ones. Maybe a really pretty cable in that nice big outside border. If she prefers plainer designs cross hatching would really frame it up nicely. You could also consider something with leaves, like pretty maple leaves scattered with some kind of fill behind them. I'm not at all sure what I'd do for the log cabin blocks. Radiating lines is the only thing coming to mind at the moment. I would do an outline of the animals and add fur enhancements as necessary. I'm anxious to see what everybody else suggests. This is a tougher one for me. My mojo isn't flowing very well these days.

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I'm eyeballing the border and making a funny face......Is it as bad as it looks, or just how it's hanging?

Anyway, if the border is beautifully flat, that big expanse of quilting real estate is where she (and you) will need to shine to stand up to the competition in a show.

Wool batting--maybe doubled with cotton or poly.

Something non-distracting and fairly dense quilted in the sashing to push it back and make the floating blocks advance.

I know you have a plan for the pictorial blocks and the Log Cabins.

SID those zinger borders.

Now, the border!

Since you have an outdoors theme going, some intricate, woodsy design with additional different motifs in the corners. You can use pine boughs and cones, or maple branches and leaves, or use a borrowed design from a Baltimore album applique pattern. Sometimes these are mirrored branches coming from the center of the border and meeting at the corners. Something elaborate and twisty with intertwining branches, leaves, berries, etc. Too much?

What's your deadline for this one?

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