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I need help

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It seems that I've quilted myself into a corner so to speak. I have this quilt with white backing. It is to be auctioned off to raise money for a child who is undergoing chemo treatments. I wanted the back to look pretty because I know nothing much will show up on the front in all the strip pieces. I'm not sure what would look good. Any suggestions? If at all possible, I don't want to pick out what I've already quilted.


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Thank you ladies for your responses! Linda, I had already quilted all the reds in this motif, and not so dense curved crosshatching in the outer border, and the swirl outer red border. Still not sure what to do with the gray borders around each of the red squares...Linda would you suggest doing the all over swirl in those dark gray pieces ? Lyn, I'm not sure I understand exactly what you mean, could you clarify? All my stitching so far has been done with the metro silvery gray on top and white on bobbin.

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I don't know, but definitely don't pick out what you've done, it looks great! I think the all over swirls would look good just across all the strips, and just avoid the red areas. You could follow the strips, but it would look nice from the backside to just be generally all over like Linda's example.

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