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fly wheel

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You know the cover that goes over the flywheel on the left. I unscrewed that and found ground up black fragments inside. I cleaned it out - checked for threads that might be caught in the wheel - no threads but wheel doesn't move very fast when you push the white needle down button. There is plenty of oil , so what could be the problem.:(

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Lucy, take a photo of the debris to send to Dawn. I am not familiar with the innards of the Lenni, but inside my Milli head is the the rocker arm (that unit with a big spring--it rocks back and forth to needle-up-down) has some black plastic or rubber parts. The rocker arm needs a bit of oiling once a year--check the manual. If the up/down is still slow, someone can direct you to the place to adjust the speed. That's an easy fix.

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The small black fragments are normal debris from the break in of a rubber grommet inside the machine where your rocker arm does its job to make your foot hop up and down.

If the needle up and down is slow, and you have no thread in the fly wheel, then you may simply need to speed up your needle positioner just a bit. You'll find the information in your manual, and the access hole for it along the right rear cover that sits vertically on the machine.

You may have heard others on the Forum comment about having the needle take too many stitches...well, the reverse can happen, too. Warm up the machine for about 10 minutes before making the change. Ideally you want a "one second interval" between when the needle is in the up position until it is down, and vice versa.

Let me know if you need more help!

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