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MQS 2013 Fabric Challenge Fabric

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Sheri--I left before I could find the new theme fabric also--but I ordered a fat quarter and had it sent along with my quilts that were hung at the show.

Since MQS is moving to Witchita, KS next year they are playing off the heritage there and going with Dreamcatcher theme.

This fabric should be much easier to work with than the one they had last year--that one was tough!! But I have a few ideas up on the design wall already--so we'll have to see.

Sylvia--not Sheri--but can answer your question. You can buy a fat quarter of the theme fabric and then make a quilt no larger than 30" showcasing that fabric. It doesn't have to incorporate the theme--but showcase the fabric. Then enter into MQS and it goes into it's own category and they are awarded places and ribbons. It is a lot of fun to see all the different interpretations of the fabric and a great way to challenge yourself to try something new.


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Guest Linda S

Okay - I'm not Sheri, and I'm not Sylvia, but I looked at this thread because I was interested and now I'm really confused. The fabric Terri posted is nothing like the fabrics in the link provided by Susanne. Are there two different challenges? The ones in the link look like Moda Minnick and Simpson colors. Terri's looks as though it could be someone's hand-dye. What's the scoop kids?


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Terri... BLESS YOU!

Now, to wait till MQS site is updated to the 2013 show, so I can get a FQ for it.

Right now, if you click on the theme fabric, it still shows the Under The Sea fabric.

YUCK! I bought it, but NOTHING came to mind. I really didnt care for it when I saw it, but

thought, what the heck. I have a year. 9 months later, my mind was still blank, but that too is nothing new. LOL LOL!!

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