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Quilt Retreat!

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Tomorrow I am leaving for four fun filled days of quilting and laughter with a dozen or so wonderful friends. We have met for an annual retreat for many years and it's so much fun and so inspiring to see what they've been doing since we last met up with each other. This is a group of ladies that I have met and known only thru cyberspace and without the internet making it possible, I would not have come as far with my passion of quilting as I have these past 10+ years. Those friends have encouraged me and been with me thru thick and thin! If you ever have an opportunity to go on a quilting get-away with friends, do it! It's so great to go away and leave all the stresses and worries of home for a few days and come back refreshed and ready to go! I will miss Lucey, however......

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That sounds like a great time Elaine! I've had a yearly "quilting on the deck" weekend on our farm for 12 years. It's a small bunch of six, but we have so much fun. If the weather is nice we set up our machines, ironing board & cutting table on the deck. We can watch the horses and enjoy the quiet (well, except for us ladies!). If it rains, we just move everything inside.

I know you'll miss Lucey, but you'll make up for lost time after the retreat. :-) Enjoy!!!

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WONDERFUL :) I also have a cyber group of ladies that come once a year for a quilt retreat. We just had our second gathering and have booked for next year already. It is fantastic that so many ladies are willing to travel and fly over to be part of this retreat. We all have a fantastic time and we just added an additional day to our retreat, making it 6 days 5 nights of fun, sewing, sharing, laughter and learning from each other. Of course it takes about a week to rest up after we all come back home ;)

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Oh that sounds like such fun! When I lived in Alaska (9 years ago now) our guild there spent an annual weekend at a fishing lodge where each group of 8 or so ladies was responsible for only one meal and the rest of the time we could just sew, eat chocolate, take in the scenery on the water, etc.....some never got out of their pj's the whole weekend! What a blast!

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Elaine, this sounds like so much fun. I used to go to a pajama party retreat at our local quilt shop, but they closed. Now there is nothing close by where local quilters can gather. You are an inspiration! I thought of starting a get together at my house. I think I will give this more thought. I do have the room and I have a deck big enough for about 8 people to set up sewing machines. Thanks for sharing.

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