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I'd love to surprise her

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Hi there, this is for a customer who is also a really lovely lady. She is always gracious and appreciative and I would really like to knock this one out of the park for her although her budget is "lite custom". I am finding the colour placement a bit challenging this afternoon and I thought I would throw it out to the forum to see if someone could help me out. Oh, and did I mention her first thought was for straight line quilting - which I think I talked her out of, however I am always open to that if you think it might be doable. Thanks very much,

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She will be tickled that you generously stepped up the quilting for her!

My recommendation would be to use two thread colors to match the fabrics and quilt the lights and darks with the same design. That will add texture and not take away from the graphics inherent in two-color quilts. Each freestanding block can be quilted continuously with a start and stop for each color. Using basic CC's and adding a flourish in each diamond would be easy and fast--and pretty!

Your quilting can shine on those borders--feathers would be so pretty and if you want to, the seam in the center can be the spine--light blue thread on one side and bright blue on the other. Or quilt them separately with whatever running design you like.

The narrow sashings would require a judgement call as to whether they need stitching or can be SID-ed only.

Great quilt--I love those two-color quilts!

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