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Looking for a thread I read...

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Often I do the hanging over night, or the spritzing, but I just had one last week that even those ideas wouldn't work on.

I got a wide back, VERY over-dyed, stiff as all get out, and wrinkles so deep I thought they were pleats. I called the customer and said I could not use it "as is," so we needed to come up with a plan. She said it was the end of the bolt and she saw the wrinkles, but thought I could just .....drum roll......"quilt them out.".

She told me to do whatever I wanted to make the backing work and she would pay the extra. I asked her if it was OK to wet it and put it in my dryer. She said OK. So I put it in my washer on a short cycle and then into the dryer. It came out great. It was still stiff, but not so much as before the swim, and the wrinkles came out. I was amazed at the color of the water draining into my stationary tub. I told her it was really a good thing that we decided to do it this way because we got out so much of the extra dye and also we know that it could happen with the next wash, too, so she would now know to take measures to prevent the dye from ruining her quilt.

She was very happy with the end result. Thank goodness!


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Originally posted by bonbon

Hi all

I'm looking for a thread I read that mentioned a video ( I think by Dawn) about NOT ironing the backing before loading. Did I just imagine that? Can anyone direct me?


Hi Bonnie! I don't iron anything unless I determine the backer needs to be washed and then the prices goes up about $25. I don't remember a video link.

I load lots of wrinkled stuff and usually the tension on the backer will make things right. Very seldom do I spritz, but I have on occasion.

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Linda....You are so right! I am almost certain I would have had the batting beard through the backing fabric if I didn't wash it first. It was a dark maroonish color and solid. As it was, I did get a few, but not bad; thank goodness. I'm so glad my customer was so cooperative and seemed to really appreciate what I did. I know I could have just steam ironed the wrinkles out, but I skipped over that and went right to asking permission to wet/wash it because I knew it was going to be real problem for me otherwise.

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I always spritz my backing. I just slightly dampen it, not really soak it. I find that my thread drys out from the heating/air conditioning, and when I spritz that it helps loosen the quilt fibres and keeps my thread from breaking. In fact if my thread doesn't seem to be cooperating, I light spritz and the problem goes away. I do however pay attention to what the fabrics are. If there is red/or some other that i know will bleed, I let it dry before rolling.

Carol :)

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