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Quilt calendars

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You do not say if you want a wall, desk or pocket calendar. For a desk calendar I like the Quilting Block & Pattern-A-Day calendar. A new quilt is introduced every few days and the instructions are included for making the quilt and blocks, just like having a quilt book! Available at a variety of places, including Amazon.


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Hi Carmen, you are right, I forgot to mention what kind, oops! I was thinking of a wall calendar but I also really like the calendar you posted that can sit on my desk. I'm going to order the one you mention as I love the idea of those blocks. It looks like fun way to start each day with something new!

Thoughts on a wall calendar, anyone?

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I'm very spoiled! My DH uses a calendar program to print the months/days like a regular calendar. Early in December I send him photos of my twelve favorite customer quilts for the year. He prints them and uses his spiral binder machine to make it into a calendar. He makes six--one for me and the rest for various friends and relatives. If you don't have a binder machine, print your pages and take them to Kinkos/FedEx Office.

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