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photos - technical question

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This has probably already came up, but having not used the new forum too much for photos, am wondering why I only have about 9 KB worth of photo space to use ?

Can someone in the technical APQS side explain how it works now please? Does this mean I will have to delete photos from previous posts to free up space to post new photos????

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Janette and James,

When you attach something directly from your computer to your post, that document or photo is stored on the servers where our Forum lives. That's where it takes up the space (and why each user only has so much space available.) When you use a Flickr account or something similar, the photo is actually stored on THEIR servers, and you are only providing a link to the photo.

We are working toward a larger server to host more photos; unfortunately it is significantly more expensive and we want to make a wise choice.

You're right, you would have to delete a previously posted photo (if it wasn't linked) before you add another one. The key is to minimize your photos as much as possible for pixel size so that you have lots more storage space. This is easy to do in many software programs that are free, like Picasa, Picture Manager (which accompanies most Windows computers) and more.

Hope that helps!

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Thanks Libby! That's what I thought... now wouldn't it be nice if everyone used the BBCode so that ALL the pictures would be right here inside the posts. ....although I have to admit, when I click on some links that take me outside of this site to the poster's Flickr account, I do tend to browse that person's photo stream and see lots more really awesome quilting!

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Hey James... what was hassle free? Did you sign up for a Flickr account? It's just the easiest thing....really! :D

I had a photobucket account but it's only good for 2GB of space. I signed up for Flickr using my Google information, uploaded some pictures and pasted them on this forum. Super simple. Plus, Flickr has an APP, so I can also capture pictures with my phone and upload them.
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