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special on quilting

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Somewhere I read on here one of the topics about qulting quilts with a meander design say for a $100.00. My question is should there be a size limit on the quilt?

You can set whatever parameters you want. I took a class where the instructor told us of a personal financial crisis that pushed her into offering this.

She did it only in January. Meander only. Price--a penny an inch (so a Queen was about $100). Any size accepted but her minimum was enforced--$50. My own opinion is to charge by the inch instead of a flat fee. That way those with smaller quilts can feel they're getting a good deal also.

She told us she advertised it to her customers saying something like --Clean out those UFOs! Get ready for next Christmas! Can't face quilting that huge quilt? Send them to me!

Space was limited and first-come-first-serve.

She shared that she was able to quilt up to three a day and made $3000 in three weeks!

It's a nice boost in a slow month and a treat for your regulars.

This does entail a good sized customer base. You need to decide if you want to advertise this outside your regulars--like at the LQS.

I think Doodlebug did this a few years ago. Maybe she'll chime in here and let us know if it worked well.

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I had a large meander special and charged .01 psi with a minimum of $25. I charged my regular $5 thread fee and did not allow the customer to pick the thread. I wanted to be able to stay away from threads that cause me to have to slow down. It worked out great for me! My customers LOVED it and I brought in more money than usual.


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