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If you charge $25 per shirt then...

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I've just started doing these. For me, $25 per shirt means the customer brings me a stack of freshly washed T-shirts and I hand back a completed quilt -- ready to go on the bed.

So I'm providing stabalizer, batting, backing, and all fabric for sashings and binding, as well as all thread and quilting.

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Okay thanks for the input I have been think about this and was going to do $25.00 per shirt and they buy the backing, fabric for sashing, binding and what ever batting they wanted. What I have read here and seen other places the cost is about 400 for quilt with 12 shirts I am guessing. I don't know for sure what the average is but don't want to over price or under price. Just looking for opnions.

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I would add, that I do ask for a deposit of half when they bring me their t-shirts. This way I am prepared for purchasing the fabrics & stabalizer. Thread and batting I usually have on hand.

So far, I'm purchasing fabric at retail, but I do wait for a sale if I can, or use a coupon. I suppose there's no rule against using something from my stash as well, if it is exactly what I need.

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I make anywhere from 6-12 of these a year in between my main business of long arming. I charge $5 per shirt to construct plus the cost of the interfacing, fabrics, batting and backing. I charge my long arm rate to quilt it as the customer wants and my rate for binding. I get most of my materials at wholesale except for fabrics used for borders. (I am a ongoing Hancock's of Paducah customer for this). Anything the customer wants extra such as pictures included, hanging sleeve is also extra.

I am comfortable with this method because I cover what I need to cover and make some profit. If however, I was doing these quilts soley as my business I would have to charge more (my long arming is my main business). I really enjoy working with people to help them create a one of a kind memory for someone.

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