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Another skipping stitches question


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A few days ago Dave gave my machine a "spa treatment". He replaced my M&M wheels and he installed the new hopping foot. We did not test drive it to make sure everything worked well before he left. I had to rethread it and I had put in a new needle (a different kind from what I usually use) then when I tried to sew it had some big skipped stitches. I read the posts on here where another poster had questions about skipped stitches. And tried some of the suggestions. I had it threaded right although I rethreaded it anyway and I changed the needle back again to the same exact type of the one that was in when he went through it (I bought them from APQS and they're the only ones I've used). It made the problem better, but I'm still getting skipped stitches. Before the skipped stitches were big stitches when going from right to left and from bottom to top. Now they skip smaller skips only when moving the machine from bottom to top. I'll post a pic.

Every other row goes the opposite direction. The good stitches are from top to bottom the other rows are bottom to top. The stitches going left to right and right to left are good. I'm using the same thread I always use.

Does this look like it may be a timing problem or can it be adjusted in some other way?


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Check to make sure there are holes in the skipped stitches first. If there isn't then check your wheels on you stitch regulators. Does it do it in manual mode.

Start there if not try turning your needle to 630. If that doesn't work. I would check timing it might be off just a hair. I would look at everything else before I would mess with timing.

Maybe Dawn or someone with more knowledge will chime in.


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Oma, pls call Dave, he will help you figure it out.

My machine is purring after the spa treatment, I love the sound & performance of my well cared machine & loving my under the table light that he installed, I could see the stitches underneath better now. Don't know why I waited so long to get the light.

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Hi Corey. Dave had nice things to say about you. My machine sounds really good...it's just skipping stitches and I'm sure it's a small adjustment somewhere. I thought I'd give him a break over the weekend. The new wheels are so much better. I can make a circle now...first time since I put the other ones on almost two years ago. I was so certain it was the wheels and not me. What a difference! I've never heard of under the table lighting. Can you take a pic of that? I love my overhead lights he installed.

Shirley, I don't see holes where they should be in the skipped stitches. I'll go up and try manual mode and check the encoder wheels. Am I checking to make sure they are touching where they should or am I looking for something else?

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You have a timing problem. If it was the M&M wheels, it would skip in both directions (away from you or toward you.)


The hook point is too far away from the needle to catch the bobbin thread. That's why you're getting the skips in one direction only. When you push the machine away from you, the needle bends forward.Then the hook point misses the loop of thread behind the needle. Either have Dave come back, or take a look at the timing video and review the adjustment to the "hook clearance". (Double-check the needle depth too, as that can cause skipping but it's more likely that you just don't have enough needle deflecton with the current timing setting.)


Here's the link to the video:




And here are the printed directions:




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Thanks Dawn, that's what I was afraid of. I think it's doing exactly what you described. I don't think Dave can come back so easily. I wish he could, but I'm not on the beaten path. I will watch the video and print out the instructions and get brave enough to tackle it tomorrow. Wish me luck. :rolleyes:

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