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Lisa Calle's Quilter's Groove Proline rulers!

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I just used Lisa Calle's Quilter's Groove Proline 2 to stitch a quarter inch all away around the border on a quilt! WOW! What a difference! Another used for my crosshatch ruler!

Thanks you Lisa for wonderful tools!!! :wub: Love these rulers and I ordered the lite and pro Quilter's Curves yesterday!!!!! Lucky ME!!! :) 

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I bought the whole set a few months ago, but I have the old style pan foot and can't use them until I get the replacement 1/4 inch foot.  I have a very sick kitty and the extra money is going to her care and not to the new foot.  She is first on my priority list.  Oh boy, tears happening now.  She is the best cat ever.

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Hi Dell, I bought the whole set of her pro line rulers in October, used it for the first time last week & loving it. Thinking of ordering the curve set also, I sent you a message. The groove rulers are really effective in producing evenly spaced lines, thanks for sharing.

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Oh Chris, so sorry hear about your kitty. Hope she gets better. We lost our Callie 2 days ago and miss her so much. She was such a lover! We still have Disco , my fat cat!


Oh Yes! My rulers are to arrive today!!!! I'm so excited!!!

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