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it's my month for needing help

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Well, I've hit another snag in my whole cloth project. Some of you may recall the churn dash quilt I did for my sister in law who has lung cancer. I quilted it with a babtist fan design and a wool batting. It was really pretty. The wool batting was thick and made the fans really show. This batting was purchased from Mary Jo's Cloth Store in Gastonia NC. I called today to order some more and she no longer carries it. All they had was Legacy wool which is about half the loft of the wool I had used in the churn dash quilt. I can give you the item description the store used - perhaps someone will  recognize the manufacturer......TNK Fream wool. It sold by the yard at $7.99 yd. Mary Jo's did not remember who or where they got it from as it was a one time purcase for them. A google search did not bring up anything but Quilters Dream battings. Again, any help much appreciated.


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Debbie, I have a quilter's Dream Wool order sheet. Maybe some of their item numbers will be of help? I wonder if the store has a typo and the wool you have is QD?


WOOL-FR 93" x 25 yards

WOOL-KFR 122" x 20 yards

WOOLCF (craft)

WOOLCB (crib)

WOOLTH (throw)

WOOLTN (twin)

WOOLD (double)

WOOLQ (queen)

WOOLSQ (super queen)

WOOLK (king)


Do you have any leftover pieces of the wool that maybe you can snap a photo of?

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HI Vicki,

I would like to use a wool batting. I am really peeved that Mary Jo's did not even know the name of the batting they sold me last April. I can only blame myself for being slow at making quilts. (sigh). My only other clue was the sales lady thought it had a blue label on the roll.


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I thought to take a gamble based on what Claire and Lynn said, and have ordered a small size batting of the QD wool. Makes sense to me that MJ's had a typo in their description for the product. It was on a roll and I had what I wanted cut from it. Price seems to be the only other difference. Mine should be here by the end of the week and I'll do comparison photos. Ladies, Thank you all for your help.


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