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Happy Friday, Everyone!


It's finally supposed to be a gorgeous day in Iowa...snowbanks are dwindling and the grass is turning a soft shade of green. I hope Spring is arriving where you live, too! (Except our Aussie friends who will be welcoming some much cooler temps for Fall!:))


If you browse the APQS Forum by "category" rather than by "New Since Last Visit" you'll notice this more, but I wanted to alert you to the fact that I may occasionally move a topic from one category to another to help keep the Forum organized. For example, if a question is related to tension and thread breakage, but originally appeared in the "Gone Quilting, Chat About Anything" category, I may move it to the "APQS Help--Needle, Thread, Bobbin" category. You'll still see the topic heading in the "New Since Last Visit" section.


This will also help everyone find answers quickly to common issues or questions, rather than to try and search the entire database.


Thanks, and have a great weekend!

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Hi Dawn,


Glad to hear that Spring is finally arriving in the States.  Arrived back from a trip there about a week ago and there was plenty of snow around, it was interesting to be in New York and have 4 inches of snow.  Had to buy a down filled coat to cope with the chill :)  I dont think winter here, when it arrives, will be anywhere as interesting.


Went to the Quilt Show in Lancaster - saw some magnificent work.  Did check out the APQS stand whilst I was there.  Shame its not possible to retro fit LED lighting to an Ultimate 1.



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