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Thinking deep thoughts this morning...not!

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In the olden days (1970's) I used to have a big poster on my wall that I absolutely LOVED.  I don't know what happened to it over the years (hippie days gone by and replaced with a little finer taste I guess), but I may just have to resurrect another one.  It had a bright yellow background with a simple red wooden stool on it sort of wonky with the words..."Sometimes I sits and thinks and sometimes I just sits".  It seems like that is what I've managed to accomplish over the past few days. 


I'm about half done with a Buggy Barn Chicks quilt top and I would have my OHO quilt top done if I would just put the border on it.  I changed the leaders on my LA.   I always felt like the take up bar one was about a half inch off and it bugged me.  I didn't realize that I had over a yard width of leader fabric on it.  Heck it was probably the whole 60" width of the fabric.  I don't know what I was thinking when I did them the last time.  There isn't that much on there now thank goodness.  I did a crappy job on the last leader so I may try to fix it or I may decide to live with it.  By the time I got to it I was tired and my back hurt so I just hurried it a bit too much.  Still works fine, but would be an embarrassment if anyone looked too closely at it.  Running by it on a galloping horse would be ok though.  The other two look ok.  I took my zippers off.  I haven't used them for over two years or at least not since I got the Red Snappers system and they annoyed me to look at them and they took up space on the roller bars.  There has been several times in the past while using my CL boards that I only needed another half inch of clearance and it wasn't there because my zippers were up against the back of my machine and there was probably way too much of an excess of leader fabric.  Whatever...problem removed! 


Speaking of CL boards.  I think I have to own this new Circle Thingy.  I like it and I have a border treatment in mind that it will make a whole lot easier.  Yay Michael!  Maybe it will encourage me to get my OHO quilt finished so I can use it. 


Ok...now I have to stop sitting and thinking and go get a couple of errands done.  I prefer going to Costco when DH is here because he carries everything in for me.  What a guy!  He's been on jury duty so gone during the day, but he doesn't have to go in today.  Perfect!  I thought I'd get so much done during the day with him gone and I found out that he isn't the cause of my non-productiveness.  Don't tell anyone, but I think it's me.


I hope everyone has a really nice day and smiles a lot.  :D

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Your posting made me smile.  I am kind of lost these days, with packing up to move once again, selling my long arm which i will miss and not miss if you know what i mean.  Pondering what is down the road for us since this last year was very very bad in a lot of ways.  Longterm disability for my dear man will be cut off next June and what in the world will he do for possible employment.  He is 62 and has worked with heavy machinery all his life, hands on, and now with his OA in his wrists and thumbs, he can't even push the vacuum cleaner around without pain.


The canvas on my LA was pretty bad as was/is bad in my humble opinion and I would have shortened it once again, but machine is all packed up and the new owner can look after that as she pleases.  Between packing up, selling things we don't need, and generally finding my foot hold again, i am trying to make quilt tops so i can quilt up a storm when my new Freedom arrives in my new home in July.  My heart, however, is not in that task.


I still have a framed poster hanging on my studio wall with the words "Surprise, Delight, Inspire, Repeat" , something I strive to do when making Quilts for my store and my many fans all over the world.  I hope I can pick up and continue once again.


I seem to be doing a lot of sitting these days ...not thinking, just sitting staring at a blank.  I wish someone or something would give me a schlap and snap me out of it.


Wishing us all sunshine and happiness .... keep on smiling

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We can't surprise, delight and inspire every day!!!  Give yourself a much needed  break and your energy and inspiration will return.  I find that a purposeful break, when I really put things to the side instead of worrying about why I can't seem to get it done, can be just what I need. Perhaps if you put the quilting aside for a little while, it will be your best therapy when you return to it.   Take care.



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