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New Millie up and running

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Hello All,

On Sept 20th I announced the future arrival of my new Millie - well she arrived safe and sound in Luxembourg (10 calendar days after being notified by the shipping team at APQS) last week. To be honest the size of the boxes was impressive but we were able to lug everything down into the basement without any trouble. Just had to wait until Sunday to put her together. Everything went ok, until we realised that the head had a wiggle on the carriage - after sleeping on the problem we (my DH and I) concluded that something was not tight! A relatively quick dismanteling of the 2 upper bars and removal of the head, then carriage revealed that the front and rear axles screws were not tight! Guess who tried to tighten those screws - yours truly!! A little lesson from my DH convinced me that tightening screws is a man's job - I'll stick to quilting!!

Anyhoo, we are up and running - wow, it's great! My testing experience was limited to 2-3 minutes so everything was new, new, new! So far my PPP's have produced various results, meandering - not bad, this I can do; straight lines - that's why we have channel locks right?; little flowers - looking good; feathers - well we'll talk about that another time; letters (a's, b's, c's etc) my first grade teacher world be proud, various other try outs are not that bad, so I am feeling pretty good about everything. But I promise to PPP for quite awhile.

So far no problems - but I know where to come to if needed.

Just had to share.

Sue from Luxembourg

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The best tip I can give you is play with it. If there is a long arm quilter near you have then show you something to try. A little bit at a time and you won't be overwhelmed. Try a panto, you will love them or hate them. Try a ruler, watch a video and just doodle. I have found in classes if I can draw it I can sew it. Kids doodle pads from the dollar store, dry erase board while watching tv. Find your own niche. Everyone has at least one thing they are a natural at and there is more than one way to do everything. It took me several feather classes from different teachers for the light bulb moment and I can say it is my way.

Have fun.


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