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Looking for ideas for quilting

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I have an appliqué quilt that has rows of rescue vehicles , sashings are roads , and then about a 2 1/2" solid next to it. I figure I will outline her appliqué but should I use just a simple meander to fill in the rest of the row or ?. Then on the roads, needing ideas. It is like about a 4" row.

I wish I could post a picture, it is a nice children's quilt. She does a great job with her appliqué .

Any ideas would be appreciated.




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In the long borders you could quilt a couple of curly's then a long cursive VROOM and then more swirls?

Outer border might be too busy for any complicated quilting to be seen and appreciated?  Concentrate the "show off" quilting in the more solid areas.

Sounds cute - you can take a photo with your phone and email to yourself or a camera - any  .jpg works!


How is your sister?  It must be hurtful and frustrating to hear that all the time, but we would like to hear!

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