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I owe Silvia an apology

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I owe Silvia B an apology.  Not for something that I said, but for something I thought.  A while back she was having tension/stitching problems with her new machine.  She finally replaced the entire tension mechanism on it, and that solve the problem.  When she told us all about it, I dismissed the story thinking that she just had not tried to adjust the old mechanism, and when she put the replacement on, she did the adjustments that would have solved her problem to begin with.


Well, I've has a nagging problem with "Zelda" every once in a while leaving a loop of cone thread on the back of the quilt.  Whatever I did with the tension would not eliminate it.  I noticed that every once in a while there would be a slack loop of thread between the take up lever and the needle.  Being unable to actually watch the mechanisms while quilting, I never could tell for sure what was happening.  I finally decided that the take up spring was probably malfunctioning.  I had recently purchased an entire tension mechanism which included a new take up spring.  I thought I'd use the new spring and see if that improved the situation.  BTW, the new spring seems to be stronger than the old one.  I got the assembly out, removed the old one from Zelda to replace the spring then thought "why not replace the whole assembly".  Well I did.  Viola, my occasional loop is gone.  So if you have a stitch problem you can't solve, it might just be your tension mechanism.  Sorry for not giving you more credit Silvia.  Jim

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Jim, thanks for being honest.  something we all need to see more of every day.


We haven put a new check spring on since we bought it 6 years ago.  We've not had trouble with the take-up lever much since then.  So it is either in great working order, or dipping the thread is helping a lot.   Now and then I do get 2 or 3 stitches which are barely loose enough to notice, and they disappear when I vigorously shake it.  Well I don't

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