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Lunacy strikes again

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I am taking a break from my latest crazy project. I would argure the project would be sane other than the deadline, which is tonight. I want to enter this quilt in a show and the postmark deadline is tommorrow.

It's been a great learning experience. I've done microstipple before but this time it didn't give the look I was after, so I have been doing a micro scribble. I really like it and it seems a lot easier to do. The only thing is it seems to be very hard work. I am sure I am building muscles with all this quilting.

I also have a question, why are you supposed to trim wadding when you do faux trapunto? I did in some areas but not in others thinking I would end up with a slightly different depth in the different areas. I can't see any difference, even though I used a very dense poly wadding. It is a good inch thick before quilting. I am thinking that given I can't see the differenence, I could skip the trimming phase. This would eliminate the risk of accidently cutting the top. So folks what am I missing?

If you want to see the quilt there is a prelimiary picture up on my blog,



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Ferret, that is something awesome indeed. At first I couldn't find the picture of your latest project, because that was a doorway, not a quilt. Then I realized it was fabric! Wow! I hope you get it in the mail in time, I really do. I'm sure it will win something, that doorway. Great job!

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This looks cool, what I can see of it anyway. It's like a castle gate. Did you trim the batting out or not? It is hard to tell with the microstipple. I have only used trapunto once and it was a lot of work, the trimming the non-trapunto batting out, that is.

I can't wait to see the full piece. You will post a photo, won't you.

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Hi Ferret,

Your imagination is wonderful. What a great design!

It is possible to do untrimmed trapunto--use only poly batting or use two batts, poly on top and cotton underneath. The poly compresses to almost nothing with micro stippling.

Please, please let us know how it all comes out.

Linda Rech

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Well the quilting is all finished and I love it to bits, but I can't figure out how to finishe the edges, so it isn't going to make the show. DO any of you know if Tactile Architecture is an anual show?

I really hope it is as I think in a year I can figure out how to finish the quilt, and by next year I think I can have another one on the same theme ready too, thus making best use of my entry fee which covers two works.


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Ferret when I saw the title you gave your post I had to see what you were up to!

Your doorway looks awesome.

Yep I have also discovered the micro scribble as an alternative to the micor stipple. Unfortunatly I am not allowed to share photos of that quilt because it will be in someones book and I had to sign a release on it (another story).

On your trapunto question. No you do not need to trim the batting (as we call it on this side of the pond) away, especially with a micro fill. Guess if you were going to do a looser fill it might be a problem as it would puff up. Another issue would be that it might be a little stiffer because it is not trimmed but for art quilts that is not really a bad thing. I say if you can find a different way to get the same look..................especially if it is easier then by all means go for it. Thanks for shareing your "non trimming" experience as I will have to keep that in mind......................I am planning some trapunto and might not have to trim in those areas where the fill will be tiny.

I am sorry you were not able to make your deadline. I am currently trying to finish up a quilt for a show and am down to doing the binding on it. I still have time so it is not the last minute but I still have to keep focused and on it.

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