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Tshirt Quilt

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I am going to make at shirt quilt for a graduation next year. Her father passed away and I was asked if I could use some of her dad's baseball jerseys in it? Does anyone have any thoughts, ideas, suggestions? If I use the jersey's, what type of fusing would I use? The jerseys have buttons on them. Would I have to take them off? I'm a little overwhelmed, but I want to do it right. Any suggestions would be greatly welcomed!

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Gracie, there was a good discussion about T-shirt quilts earlier this year: http://forum.apqs.com/index.php?/topic/34797-t-shirt-quilt-help/?hl=t-shirt.  I think you will find a lot of helpful information there.


I use Pellon 911F to stabilize T-shirts for quilts.  I also use Teflon pressing sheets to make sure nothing melts on my iron or ironing board.  I don't see why you can't keep the buttons on the baseball jerseys.  You will have to be careful when you quilt it, so you don't hit them.  If you're going to use a pantograph, you could always take off the buttons until after the quilting is done, and sew them back afterwards. I think they would be fun to have on the quilt.


I'm sure others will also have advice for you.  This sounds like a lovely project!  Be sure to post pictures when you're done.

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I've made dozens of t shirt quilts and have used just about any type of shirt in the quilts.  I've left buttons and rhinestones on shirts and also pockets.  I usually just meander t shirt quilts so that I can avoid buttons, heavy applique, really thick areas of shirts, faces on pictures, or really thick rubbery spots on shirt fronts.  I've not had a problem with anything yet so...

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Funny this should come up as I'm delivering a t-shirt quilt with baseball jerseys in it today.  I too use the Pellon 911F interfacing.  With the baseball jerseys I took some of the leftover fabric from either that shit, or something that contrasted, and used it under the cutout for the neckline.  I removed buttons that would be in the way during seaming, but left most of the others on.  One thing I noticed is that at times the shirts get extra bulky with fronts crossed over one another, and multiple layers of fabric.  Just be aware as you are quilting.  I to usually do a loose meander on t-shirt quilts, but you can do anything freehand so that you can avoid difficult spots.  I also try to inform the customer that if I quilt over the heavy paint/rubbery bits on the shirts, there is a good chance that there will be color transfer from that to the nearby areas.  I try to avoid that as much as possible, but sometime it just needs some quilting in the area.


An applique pressing sheet is a must if you are using your iron, but I've got a heat press which makes it so much faster!  Bought the initial one on Craig's list, but found that it doesn't get hot enough anymore.  Bought a new one for a lot more money from the local sewing machine store, and it's paid for itself in time saved on t-shirt quilts.  I find that I don't need the pressing sheet with the press, but I keep it handy just in case.  If you use your iron, get yourself some iron cleaner too.  No matter how careful I am, I always manage to need to give my iron a good clean afterwards.

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I use dryer fabric softener sheets to clean the guk and glue off my iron. just iron over the sheet with a warm iron not hot and it should come right off. just dont iron in an area you use all the time the smell of the dryer sheet will be there for a while . don't ask me how I know this..Hee hee thanks for the question on t-shirt quilts I am planing o  doing one soon. so Food for thought.

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Oh pooh!  Figuratively and literally, and thank you all for catching that!  I even got a personal message about it, but couldn't find anything.  This time I did!  In my defense, I was writing that early in the morning and after a long bike ride the day before.  Where the heck is spell check when you need it? :wub:

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