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Echo Quilting

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I have some pre-printed blocks on a quilt  I am working on. I have done all of my SID, CC, now I thought I would echo around the designs, so I started echoing, and I don't think it is right.  I am not going to take it out, since it is my quilt, and I am trying all different quilting ideas on it.

Any hints of where to start or not start?? I probably should have asked first, but I kinda just did it!!! ;)  


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I stitch echo quilting at a moderate speed (not a million miles an hour) with my elbows in and my feet braced apart. Sounds weird, huh? But the wide stance and elbows close to the body give me better control. I start at a not-so-prominent spot on the SID of the motif (like a dip in, not a poke out) and stitch a spiral. I'm usually going for a "look" of echo quilting, not the perfection of concentric stitching with continual starts and stops. Stand back and I bet yours looks great!

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The first time I did echo quilting was for a customer and she said "this one is going to be entered at the county fair".  Well, guess I'd better learn quickly!  I tried several things, all the way from marking my quarter-inch echo lines. (Egads! Forget that idea!)

Then I ended up quilting it just as Linda suggests (and yes, I remember my stance being similar, believe it or not).  I used my hopping foot to guide the distance between the lines. Drove me nuts until I got the hang of it which didn't take all that long.  Once I got a section done I stepped back, looked at the "big picture", and it was fine.  My customer loved it (thank goodness!).


Show us some pictures when you're done!  I'm sure it's looking fine.

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