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Quilt Show...........all done

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The small quilt group I belong to has done a quilt show every year for 10  years during the week of our county fair.......This past week was our last one.   A little sad, but we are also a little glad.    ;)   As a lot of you know, it is hard work setting up and running the show.   When we started out we were all 10 years younger and we had more members to help.  As the years have gone by, we have lost some active members to one thing or the other, leaving 7 of us to shoulder the load.   We range in age from 60 - 85.  Three of our husbands have also been great to help setting up the quilt display racks and tearing them down, but they are also having health issues.    This year we decided it was time to quit.  We've had a good run, made some money that will keep us going with our charity projects for a long time.   We figured when our money runs out, we may have have run out too.   haha   We still plan to meet once a month to sew quilts for various local charities and will continue to do that as long as we can.



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Well done! A quilt show every year for the past 10 years is a huge amount of work. Our guild only has a show every 3 years. Even so, it still takes a lot time and work to prepare and bring it all together.


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This sounds familiar... A group called the Association of Pacific West Quilters just announced that the show they have been putting on for well over a decade will not continue. For the same reasons as your group. The members are tired---physically and mentally--of the vast amount of work involved. This show used to be every two years in Seattle, was world-class, and drew entrants from the Pacific Northwest. Eventually they widened the entrant area and did the show every year for the past three. They always attracted the newest/best/most innovative quilts to their show. I'm sad to see it end but heartily agree with their (and your) reasons.

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