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Need confidence booster....

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How many of you have ever had somebody say, "You know so-and-so machine quilts, you should have HER do it"? How does that make you feel? Well, it sucks my confidence right down the drain. I guess the lady was trying to save me time, but really this is my project and I don't want to let somebody else finish it for me. She's not in the women's group at church, so I don't see why I should give it to her to do. I think I'll be able to do a fine job, if not as professional as somebody with a LA, but I won't do something that's not pretty, not me. I just wish I had pictures of the gifts I've given people, so others will be able to trust my skills.... at least the small ones I do have. Hearing that kind of comment just makes me feel inadequate. Do you ever feel that way?

Gotta get back to piecing. At least the nice lady did get me started with a nice assembly line and thinking of the overall quilt. I had been obsessing too much on each block, so she did me a good turn getting my brain working in another direction. It will be easier now. Next I've got to print off a bunch of clip-art drawings of hands and feet doing different jobs for the non-sewers to participate too. If they show up tomorrow. I only had one sewer today, but at least she knows her stuff. She helped me with a lot of good foundation piecing tips.

Just wondered who else needs confidence boosters sometimes and what do you do? Thanks!

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Patty, you are going to knock their socks off and wow them with your beautiful finished quilt. I am just like you --- I like to do everything from start to finish, from picking the fabrics, to cutting, piecing, quilting and finally sewing on the binding and label. I DO IT ALL, BABY!! ;) You're going to do a great job. Don't listen to those downers. Keep going and before you know it you'll have a great product ready to show and tell. :)

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Thanks! you all are the greatest. That's exactly what I needed to hear. You're right, Myrna, I love a challenge, and I'm going to rise to this one. I may not be an expert at machine quilting, but I'm going to give it every artistic nerve I've got and stitch up a storm (sorry, sewingupastorm, don't mean to steal your identity or anything :D ).

I knew I could count on you. What a great start to this day. Non-sewing women supposed to be coming over to iron on images of hands and feet doing caring things (how can there be feet doing caring things? all I can find is boots pushing a shovel into dirt for planting....) I have to get squares and half squares cut out for that before 10:00am. I'm learning so much of what I WON'T do next time, LOL!


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