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Started quilting new bedroom quilt

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I've finally gotten time and motivation to start a quilt.  I feel like the last year has been a dry one for quilting for me.  Life just spiraled out of control the last few years and it took a toll on my creative drive.  I've had this quilt pieced since this summer.  My schedule is full with working full-time, taking care of my niece and still dealing with MIL.  I don't have a lot of interaction with MIL anymore, just take care of all her medical appointments and do her meds every week.  Hubby takes them to her so I don't see her that often unless it is time for dr appointments and that is just fine by me!  Madison was recently diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes so that has just complicated things a touch more.  She is such a special girl and is a trooper!  I'm so proud of the way she has handled all the needles sticks, 6 a day and the 4 or more injections a day.  Love my girl.  I go and stay with her still 2 - 3 days a week.  It was easier when she came to my house.  Usually on work days my day starts at 5:30 am and I drive about 3 hours a day.  I don't get home until about 9:15 or so from watching her.  I'm thankful my job lets me work remotely when I need to because I would never be able to help with her if I couldn't.  I will always do whatever I can for her.  


So onto my quilt.  I'm excited to get this going.  I am stepping outside my comfort zone and using a very contrasting thread for the first stitching.  I wanted to pull more the green toward the blue chain block.  I'll be doing the rest of the stitching in the cream background in cream.  I'll finish this off with curved cross hatching.  The design motif is repeated in the outside border.  My plan is to use blue on the outside border and then use a cream fill to lighten the border fabric more and make the feather motif pop.  Hopefully that works the way I'm hoping it to.  I'm not sure I'm going to like having the blue fall into the main section but there is a cross over of the border design into the outside block.  I guess you could say I've stepped outside my comfort zone on a lot of this.  So far I'm liking my design choice.  It is actually a stencil that fit perfect.  I'll keep you posted.


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Heidi - I'm tired just reading your post about your busy life! I don't know how you do it, but you are an inspiration with caring (somewhat) for MIL and staying at a different home for two days a week taking care of Madison. I'm glad to see you are taking a bit of time to do the thing you love and I can see from your beginning that it will be a beautiful quilt. Take care of yourself too!

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Looks to me like stepping out of your comfort zone has proven to be not so uncomfortable!!  Love what you've done so far and I know the finished quilt will be stunning.  I've seen your work. ;)

Bless you for being the caring person you are.  I don't know how you get everything done, but doesn't it feel goo to get a little "me time" and spend it quilting?  I'm glad Madison is doing better.  Often kids adjust easier than adults.  She's very lucky to have you in her life.

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