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thread breakage sensor

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I am using Bottom Line for my top thread and for some reason my thread break sensor was going off like crazy.  I rethreaded the machine 3 times, checked the manual, the tension looked great top and bottom.  I finally turned off the sensor to keep my sanity.  Any ideas why it kept going off?  Is it because of the thin thread?  I usually use So Fine in the top...


Any help would be much appreciated!




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Yes, it was wrapped around like always...and I rethreaded it a few times because I thought something was hung up, but stitches looked great.


I've been quilting away with the sensor off and things still look good.  I won't turn it on again until my next project I guess.




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How does the upper thread break sensor on a Millennium affect tension?  I was using 40 weight YLI machine quilting cotton on my last quilt, a small horizontally wound spool so I had it on the accessory horizontal spool pin, and I had it wrapped around the upper thread break sensor 3 times as instructed by the little sticker on the machine.  I felt like that triple wrap around the thread break sensor wheel was putting a LOT of additional tension on the upper thread, even when I loosened the tension dial to the point that the tension discs were no longer touching.  I did experiment with skipping some of the other thread guide holes along the thread path, but delld's suggestion to wrap a lightweight thread "up to three times" around the sensor has got me thinking...  With a heavier weight quilting thread such as 40 weight, do experienced quilters wrap the thread only once or twice around that sensor wheel -- or would I be better off not using the upper thread break sensor at all in these situations?

I've been wrapping three times around that wheel routinely with whatever thread I'm using; felt like I ought to use the feature since I have it, but honestly when I'm doing custom quilting from the front of the machine, I can see the thread break when it happens and don't need the machine to tell me about it like I would if I was quilting a panto from the rear.  I feel like the upper thread break sensor is restricting my ability to fine-tune upper thread tension.  

Any thoughts/feedback appreciated especially as I'm about to attempt some quilting with Superior Metallic thread for the first time and I don't want to deal with snapping thread trauma!  


Rebecca Grace, newbie owner of preowned 2013 Millennium 


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