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Attaching leaders

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I'm trying to attach new leaders that have zippers already sewn on them (purchased that way). I zipped them together and tried to install them in a straight line along the bars of my frame, keeping them taut.  I say "try" because they didn't come out 100% square. When I run my machine along the length of the frame with channel locks on, straight across the zipper area, I am off in about 3/4 of the way through the middle area of the frame by about 1/8 an inch or so. It's the ends of each side of the frame that are off a little.


Are there any tricks to getting the leaders installed perfectly? I went through a whole roll of duck tape already on just two 12 foot poles and I'm pretty frustrated as it is HOT in the garage!

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Thanks, Sue. I've seen those instructions, but my leaders already have the zippers on them and I need to attach the leaders to the bars. When I do get the leaders onto the bars, the zippers are off by a little over 1/8 inch in some places, so either I do not have them straight across on the bars, or the leaders themselves have been sewn a little unevenly. I guess I will have to start completely over, remove the zippers from the leaders, apply the leaders to the bars, and then sew the zippers on. I can't figure out another way to get everything perfectly straight. :angry:

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Hi Bonnie!  I am so glad to see you back here.  You have been on my mind a lot lately.

  Now I don't know a lot about zippers; I have never attached mine :o, but what if you zip the zippers together and attach them, leaving them zipped for attaching each side.  Maybe also measure rollers, find the center of rollers and zippers and attach, starting in the center.  Just a thought. 

I have issues with my leaders not being the same length and when I run a straight line across the fabric edge it runs up past the pins on the right.  I don't know how to correct this.  Oh well......

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I just did the exact same thing earlier this week. I taped them onto the bars at intervals and then went

back and filled in the gaps. Then I actually pinned them together to check the evenness. The zippers weren't

The same direction for me to be able to zip them together. I rolled

them back and forth several times to straighten them out. It seems like they had to settle a little bit.

Have you seen the Gammill video? I went by this somewhat and winged it. They are straight so it may have

been beginner's luck. I think the rolling helped immensely, though. I'd love to know how this goes for you.



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Hi Janice! Thanks for your kind words! I've missed being around the quilting world. I'm feeling so much better and am back to quilting... and changing things maybe I should have left well alone, like my leaders! LOL The way you suggested of zipping the leaders together and then applying them is how I applied them and it worked great to keep them both centered. There is a video out there for a fix for your leaders. Your problem is a little like mine, but with your leaders not having zippers, it should be pretty easy to fix. You basically will re-establish a straight line on your leaders using your longarm and channel locks, stitching a stitch straight across the edge of the leader and re-hemming it. I will see if I can try and find the video for you!


Sharon, I agree with Vickie, great video! I'm going to remove the leaders and do it this way.


Thanks to everyone for your help!!

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Janice, I was thinking it was a video on squaring your leaders that I saw long ago, but actually it's an article written by Renae Haddadin of Quilts on the Corner. It is $5 for the downloadable article and it has some pictures to help explain the process, along with written information. I'm sure you could find some information free on the internet but in case you are interested in purchasing it, here's the link.



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