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If you don't have a flywheel cover on the right side I would take the left cover off and see if you have thread wrapped in there.  If you do the easiest way to remove it is with an xacto knife and tweezers.  That was a common problem before the flywheel cover was added.  Needle in backwards?  Did this happen all of a sudden?



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If you have an older machine, open the left side and oil the rocker arm. You'll find it's location in the manual. It only needs oil every six month or so.

If the rocker arm rocks easily, you may have thread wrapped inside around the fly wheel. Get a flashlight and magnifier to check. A scalpel-style thread ripper is a helpful tool. Remove the needle if you get an end of thread to unwind. Turning the fly wheel backwards to unwind the thread will cause the needle to hit the hook assembly. Most of us have been there. APQS sells a flywheel cover or you can make one, if this is the problem.

Good luck.

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