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pantovision on APQS

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I haven't checked quilt path...I did not know they had a panto only model, but all I have found on the IQ basic is that it's a computer driven system that is in the $7,000 price range....I'm not ready to commit that much...Thanks for the suggestion!

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I remember that someone on the forum tried to have Pantovision installed on a Millie sometime ago.  I think that there was an issue and the techs had to go and try to work out some bugs.  I don't know if they ever succeeded in getting it installed.  You may already have discovered that much by doing a search, if not try searching and see if there is any contact information for the member who started the thread.


Welcome to the forum.

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Thank you for the welcome Sue,....Yes, I did a search and found the thread you are referring to, but I never saw a resolution...the APQS owner said they were going to build a new board and come back to do the install, but no progress was up dated...thanks for the suggestion, I'll try to find the originator....stan

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