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Machine not running smoothly

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I have Lucey for 2 years now and still not been able to quilt decently. No matter how hard

I try she just won't run smoothly.I have to hold it so tight. I go along and it seems to catch and then let go, you know

what happens you have a square instead of a circle. Even when I do ruler work she will be okay

and then like something holds it and then lets go. Its pretty frustrating. I've tried tighten  the channel

knob, then it still catches. I put the levers down for QP that doesn't work either.

Anyone out with some ideas. I really need help because I should get a quilted without having to pick

out a lot of stitches.




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Does a Lucey have electronic channel locks?  I thought only the Millie's had them, and all the other models only manuals.


It sounds like it might be wheel adjustment or wear.  It might also be your cord dragging on something.  Mine does that occasionally and I can feel it right away.  Watch the cord as you move the machine to make sure it always has clearance.   Good luck.  Jim

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Jim, you maybe right on the channel locks. I don't know much about Lucey. I see she has a directional lock for horizontal, but I am not sure how that is engaged. I have a Millie with the electronic locks and prior to that I had an ultimate 1 & 2, which don't have channel locks.

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My Lucey just has the horizontal one and it is manual....you tighten down a knob on the back side of the machine.....I would check and make sure that that knob is either tightened enough so it holds if you want the lock on and also make sure it is released enough when you don't want it....I had trouble quilting one of mine until I realized that the lock was still putting some intermittent pressure on making it hard to move...Duh!!!!!!!!   Also the chord really does have an effect especially with bliss...I make sure my chord is at least straight with no coils or chinks in it and as I have to use a short extension chord with it, I position where I plug it into the extension chord under neath the center so it doesn't have to pull the extension chord when I move the head.   Oh, and also pay attention to how far back you are quilting when it happens.....when I quilted near the far side of the space, I was putting enough pressure on the handles to cause the head to lift slightly from the cradle(?is that what it is called).  Karen McTavish was over checking out my frame as I thought I had put a deep enough scratch in it to affect it but turns out this was what I was doing ....so she loosened my handles enough that that handles would rotate down instead of lifting the head off the track...Duh...are there any more beginner mistakes I should be aware of folks?  Lin

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