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Circle Lord

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Michael and Kay are the inventers of CL. There are lots of templates to choose from and so easy to use.

Michael has a payment plan that makes it so easy for you to get own your Circle Lord. The basic unit (APQS or Gammill) is about $700; the templates range from $99 up to $599, I believe. I know that sounds like a lot of $$. You look at the designs and templates, choose which ones you want, total up the price and divide it by 12. So you send him monthly payments for one year. Meanwhile, you are WOWing you customers with these fabulous designs.

I have the Crosshatch, Stella, Starz, Featherz, Ginkgo, Aztec, Mini Aztec, spirals (circle and square). I have the big ones in Baptist Fans (a classic pattern on a traditional quilt) and ZigZag/waves. My next one will be the tiles for making wavy crosshatch.

Check out the web-site. There is a video and some webshot pages that show the patterns on quilts. Good luck.

P.S. And no I don't work for CL. I just love their stuff and it is always a pleasure doing business with them.

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Nora, in addition to the great product, Michael and Kay offer customer service like no other. I have been using the CIrcle Lord templates for 3 years now and have enjoyed every minute of it. And the cutomer's just love the perfect designs.

Let us know how much you enjoy it.


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Guest Linda S

You'll find the Circle Lord to be a great investment in your business. I use mine so often. I especially love the rope border template. When I'm having trouble deciding what I want to put in a border, I invariably find that a rope will fit nicely somewhere! ;) I have (I think) almost every template they make and I use them all. This is one wonderful tool that won't sit on the shelf! And, Linda is right - you can't beat the customer service.


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I just received my 'swirls' template and I have already used it on Two quilts. It is fast once you get the hang of it. I will offer you a suggestion that I found made it easier....

There are what my partner and I call 'flags' that fill in the spaces between the swirls. Well, they can be easy to miss if you are in a groove. I took a marker and made an 'x' on the template where you would detour from the swirl into the 'flag'. We haven't missed a once since marking it.

Let us hear how your swirls work out.

Linda Esenbock

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I cannot agree more with all that is said about Circle Lord. Called Michael with a question and it was just like chatting with a good friend and neighbor.

I used the Ginko template on the first missions quilt I did where I was having such a problem, put a different flower in all twelve blocks and had such fun picking them out and seeing them appear. WOW

used the Baptist Fan on the second one and my missionary friend loved it so much she asked me to use it on the other two. Of course I said yes. I can actually get two quilts done by Sunday doing that.

Now, of course, I want the swirls.

This could be too much fun.

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