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Quilt Path error - Unable to Connect to Quilt Path

Peg Purdue

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Peg, you'll get more immediate help if you post this on the Quilt Path Users Group page on Facebook. If you're not already a member, find me on Facebook (Barbara Mayfield/Barbara Jeanne Potter), send me a Friend Request and I'll get you added.

The first question I would ask in troubleshooting your problem is, "Is your carriage turned on?" If the red light at the back of the carriage isn't glowing, the QP electronics inside the carriage don't have power. If that's not the problem, then you have to track down just where the USB connection isn't good. There's a "USB Cannot Connect" troubleshooting document on the FB page that would help you immensely, along with all sorts of other great info. If you do Facebook at all, you need that group!!

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