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Update on 'freaking out'

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Well, I am doing the happy dance today. My customer picked up her quilts and she was thrilled, and she insisted on paying me the fee for the quilt. I was going to give it to her for free quilting services. And she brought me another quilt!!! She is a very sweet lady, and I am very lucky to have such a good new customer. She also passed my business cards out to her friends. This so makes up the hellish week I had. Did I mention that my new puppy swallowed a marble, and I had to take her to the vet. She's okay now, but it was one more bad day. Things are looking up!!!! Yeah!!!!!


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Hi Barb,

Whew! what a week! I'm so glad to hear everything worked out with your customer and the qullt! :)

What kind of puppy do you have? They will eat anything as they are so hungry all the time it seems!

So, what your saying is the customer insisted on paying you---so that you could then turn around and pay the Vets. bill! ;) Not a profitable week for you! But, at least everything is smooth going, finally ----have a wonderful relaxing weekend! You deserve it!:)

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Aaaaawww! Little Rosie is a cutie patootie! Look at those sweet little Puppy-dawg eyes! ;)

In the photo, it looks likes she's saying "Oh, mom...I'm sorry I swallowed that marble and I was a bad girl and made you fret and take me to the vet office! I'll try to be a good puppy girl for you from now on and not swallow stuff any more... PS: I love my soft quilted bed you made me...you are a good human and thanks for taking such good care of me. Love, Rosie"

Oh, and I also wanted to say I'm glad to know things worked out for your customer and her quilt. I love happy endings. Now, go give DH a big hug and tell him he's no longer in the dog house. Rosie needs her own special place to hang out, you know, and there ain't enough room for Rosie and DH to fit in there.... LOL! ;)

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Hi Barb...So glad all turned out for you and you get more business out of it. Hooray...way to go.

Well, I learned a lesson out of this. When I was moving everything into the new studio "masterbedroom) my DH helped, and put my iron flat side down on my sewing table. Luckily there was nothing on it to get wet, however, as someone suggested, I now have no water in my Iron, but use a spray bottle to mist my work.

I feel sooooo safe now.:Dlol

Happy quilting.

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Alls well that ends well...for everyone and every dog!! I know how much you want to die when you do something to someone elses quilt. I was quilting one for a customer/my tax lady, and I knew this quilt was going to be in a show...and I was fairly new at quilting, and somehow my scissors that curve up on the end - sliced a slit about 2 inches long....I still do not know how that happened. I do remember the dance I was doing all around the front of my machine, and lets just say it was not a happy dance...kind of resembled a war dance of some kind. It all turned out okay, thankfully my dog didn't eat anything out of the ordinary that week, I probably would have been put into a rubber room at that point. Glad to see you are still with us :)

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Oh Mary Beth.....lol...I am in stitches.

But my heart jst about stopped last week when I did a customer quilt. I fight with these darn flower head pins all the time, boy are they sharp. Anyway, I pricked myself (again) and flung my finger. Well, a droplet of blood ended up on the backing. Thankfully, on the top part and there was enuf material, so I moved the batting and quilt top down a bit and no harm done. But...can you just imagine the worst case scenario? I will never, ever, fling my fingers again! ever, never....

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