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What books have you bought/read lately re: quilting?

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I just ordered a book: Friends Forever Quilting Together. I can hardly wait to get my hands on that book! I'm hoping I'll get ideas for teaching friends to quilt, and helping my DD too, and maybe DS. I'd just LOVE to teach quilting, if I could do it. Only.... I think I'll have to get much better at it first.... Anyway, at least I'll have something to start with when friends express an interest in learning from me, don't ya think?

What have you bought or read lately about quilting?

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Great topic!

I buy a lot by web/mail and sometimes pleased and sometimes not so would love to see/hear all opinions.

Recently I ordered:

Skillbuilder Companion- it is as it hints that it goes along with pre-printed fabric panels to quilt over faint lines printed on the panels. I did get a new to me border idea. Otherwise don't bother.

Magical Machine Quilting by Lorraine Stangness- it's aimed at DSM quilters and would be a good first book. If you didn't have background fill ideas would be good for that otherwise don't bother.

Quilt As Desired by Charlene Frable-again written for DSM and a good beginner book but not for us.

I will be checking back to see what great books ya'll have found so I can order those.

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I love this topic and am always on the hunt for the newest idea or source of inspiration. This isn't for quilting the quilt but I recently bought the DVD "Precision Piecing" by Sally Collins from AQS that offers some interesting tips and tricks that she developed over the years working on miniature scale quilts. I sign up for their book updates through email and just recently received an announcement for "Linen Whole Cloth Quilts" that looked like something very new and unique but I haven't seen the book yet. Here is a description and link:

This gorgeous quilting book continues the legacy established by earlier books in the Golden Threads series with unique designs by professional quilters who know what quilters want. Nearly four dozen, full-size quilting patterns are arranged by category: centerpieces, fans, medallions, and borders and shown in various sizes. Cindy's patterns have been available as plastic stencils for years but never before showcased in book format. Use these patterns to transform vintage linens into charming quilts! The antique appeal of the fabrics is retained yet enhanced by today's favorite quilting techniques. Here is a happy marriage between yesterday's treasures and today's quilting trends.


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My newest book is Machine Quilting Solutions by Christine Maraccini, I read about it here I think Cheryl Uribe was talking about it. I like the way she shows the same quilt quilted 3 different ways.

Her page on decoding a quilt really helped me. I now look at quilts differently and not like a deer in the headlights. I understand the different pathways and shapes. Her sketches are easy to follow too.

It's a great general all around book.

For feathers I like Formal Feathers 101 by Sherry Rogers-Harrison, fabulous book.

Also Karen McTavish and Nichole Webb books.

I Love Jamie Wallens CottonTracks workshop book with video.

And Less Stress Feathers by Jodi Robinson. Fun way to do feathers.

I'm a bookaholic.

Pam H

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Guest Linda S

I got Karen's re-write of "Quilting for Show," also the book Sharon Schamber wrote with her daughter, "Piece by Piece." Both excellent buys!


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Well, duh, I forgot to mention I'd bought Christine Olson's "Breaking the Code", about decoding the quilt. Still have to get a chance to sit down and really READ it, though. Too much going on around here to concentrate, so haven't dove in yet.

Off to the grocery store. Keep 'em comin', ya'll!

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OOh, This is a good topic...but it's kind of scary when I think of how much I spend on "reading" material...I just got "Unraveling thye History of QUILTS & SLAVERY" by Barbara Brackman...Good reading, just as a novel almost.,

good patterns...many I'd NEVER seen before, good directions for them.

The other book, and I don't know if I'll ever get to read it...is "Color-Blend

Applique" by Jane Townswick. I'd bought one a couple months ago, and my friend talked me out of it...so had to order another...I get most of my

things thru Amazon..cheaper... And right now I'm working on the Jamie Wallen/lessons/DVD....so much to do and I don't think I'll ever get things as

loose and flowing as he does on that DVD. I read continually at night, so things are quiet for DH and it calms my insomnia.

MAGAZINES -My favorite is FONS and PORTERS. then - McCALL'S QUILTING, also the QUILTMAKER, and the QUILTER'S NEWSLETTER. Then I carouse the newstands and check to see if there are any special issues, etc., I usually get every book put out by Better Homes and Garden's. If I made a

quilt a day, I'd have to live to be 210 years old to get all of the patterns used that I have available...ML in Mo.

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I thought that I posted to this...but it still isn't showing (usually pops up right away).

Anyway, I really like The Border Workbook, by Janet Kime. It's full of speedy-pieced border ideas that make me think "outside of the box". :)

My brain is wired to see things in 3D, but this book really gives me some "ah-hah" moments (sort of like the V8 commercials...without the forehead hit)!:D

I only purchased it at JoAnn Etc. because a coupon was burning a hole in my pocket.:) Like normal, everything else that I needed was already on sale.:P:P

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the newest book I have purchased is the book Machine Quilting Solutions and it is a valuable asset to my shelf.

I subscribe to Quiltmaker, Fons & Porter, Unlimited Possibilities and of course with the APQS membership you get their magzine. Pretty soon I will need another room to hold all the reading material. I am finding that magazines and books on quilting are as addicting and necessary as my stash.:P

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I think they are referring to The American Quilter Society (AQS), not APQS.


You can subscribe to email updates and they will send you an email with their newest publications.

You can also preview upcoming publications that have not been released yet.

For all you amazing quilters, they are always looking for book and article proposals and you can see a set of submission guidelines here:


Because they are so focused on education and technique, I think their books and magazines are some of the best.


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Thanks for the lead, Kathy. Now.... what can I write about that they will buy.......? a quilt mystery? "Murder in 9 Patches"! "The Missing Piece"! "Double Wedding Ring Around Elizabeth"??

LOL! Oh, maybe they mean for quilt instructions or something, LOL! I'm the last one to write something like that! I'm asking YOU all for directions! :D:D

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