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NQR Blessed Husbands

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Well Ladies, just had to share before I dash off to officiate at my boss's daughter's wedding. My DH knew I had a very busy weekend, so he hired a young mom who needed money we knew about to come in and do my housework for the week so I wouldn't have to worry about it and THEN, as I was struggling to get the white stuff out of the hair on my head, he said "sit down in front of me, and proceeded to put the "new color" all over my white and grey stuff.:D What a champ.

As I know there are days for all of us when husbands seem like creatures from outerspace, I just wanted to share that they can truly be a blessing when we least expect it. He is also giving up his entire weekend with me as I was at rehearsal all afternoon yesterday and will be gone the rest of this day.

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Aww, Bekah, you have a wonderful husband to be so thoughtful of your needs, as well as helping out the young mom with a house cleaning job so she had some extra cash. :) He's a sweetie!! It's those "little things" that make everything right...

I'll bet your new hair is very pretty, too. That reminds me...the grays are popping out again, so I've gotta do my roots, too! ;)

Enjoy officiating at the wedding! I am sure you will do a great job.


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AND, I thought I had the PERFECT one! We're in the process of doing a home perm...not bad, huh? since my hair is halfway down my back and they always want $100 to perm in town...We figure we can do it for $20 and alot of laughs. He's helped me wash it, roll it, color it, helps me with the back of it when I'm doing a "do"...Oh, and he's good at other things besides doing hair....We were talking this a.m. about what I'd do if anything ever happened to him. (He has appt. with getting HOLTOR MONITOR put on today) to check his heart for 24 hrs.) I honestly do NOT know what I would do to survive.

His first wife died 6 yrs. ago...choked to death on a porkchop...seriously.

He married me 6 mos. later...we've had the best 6 years of our lives! And I've been blessed with precariou health and what does he do? He copes right along with me...packing open incisions, cleaning up 'messes' and while I was in the hospital for 42 days...he never missed a day driving 35 mi. ea. way to come see me. Prayed beside my bed many times when it looked like I wasn't going to make it...

and when I said I'd always wanted a quilting machine...."We'll have to see about getting you one"....Would I trade him?! Only on the days he forgets and wears his work boots into the bedroom carpet....and forgets to bring empty his jeans pockets. ML

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Gee, Bekah, you put me to shame. Ok, I'll have to admit it, I've been thanking God for my DH since my DS had such health problems, because he is USUALLY there when DS needs him. And right now he's at Scout camp, where he certainly did not want to go this year, and even signed up to be an Assistant Scout Master, just to be sure to be at the Scout stuff to help DS. Yup. He's being a reeeeeeal good daddy. And at this very moment he's being the very best hubby I can possibly imagine, cuz that's what I have to do to have him here with me this week, LOL!! He's miles and miles away, so of course he's perfect! :P:D

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MaryLou you have a grand champ!!

the wedding was super, it was very strange. I have been my boss's paralegal for 15 years so i watched this young woman grow up. When I got home my hubby let me treat him to Baskin Robbins:D What a guy

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