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Lots of our folks are having grandkids and I'm so happy to hear that Jennie has given a safe delivery to a fine young boy. Now the real fun begins! Anticipating a birth is shear excitement but when there are complications it is so helpful to have support from those around us. The quilt that was put together by some of you ladies was a real treat for Jennie and her little boy now and years to come. You did a great job on it!

I'm 6 weeks away from my own delivery of my first grandchild. I'll be flying over to Vienna for 3 weeks to see and be with my daughter and her husband during her delivery.

I have a question to those of you who fly. Can I bring a sewing kit on board? I have 2 quilts that I would love to sew the binding on while in flight but with all the restrictions these days I would not want to throw a kit away just because it wasn't allowed? Thanks, I'm hoping I can, Gloria

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I have found with flying in country that you still can't have a pair of scissors with you so you will need to figure out something else to snip your threads....I have used the top of a dental floss box and I have used a product sold by Clover....it lookes like a necklace with a circle medalillon...inside the medalillion are razor blades. Creative and funtional. Needles are okay as long as you don't have a package of them...and I found if I have them in a needle tube box they don't even question them. Hope this helps some. International flights maybe different however.

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Actually good news on the scissors front. I fly a ton with my day job and take hand applique with me everywhere.

You CAN NOT bring pointy tip scissors, but you can bring rounded tip scissors (like for little kids). Just go get yourself a nice new pair and stash in your sewing kit.

I also bring along a needle threader / cutter combo (you can buy a pack at walmart for cheap) and have that in my case too. That way if some TSA guy (or the gals are the worst) gets a bug up there butt, they can thru the scissors away and I still have something to cut my thread.

Also if you are packing a sewing kit, don't forget extra needles. It is a bummer when you drop them under your seat. Another great thing I keep in my fly kit is "Thread Magic" It is a little box of silicon stuff that helps to take the static out of the thread and helps it glide nicely thru the fabric.

Have fun on your trip. Way jealous!!


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Julia...you are correct that you are suppose to be able to take the blunt scissors on board, but after having 6 pairs thrown away in under a year I have giving up on that and just don't go there.... I guess it all depends on which airport you fly out of and into JFK, LaGardia, and Newark aren't worth the hassle. Also have lost packages of needles, but those in the tubes were never touched...go figure.

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Thanks for the link Shana. I'm traveling to Innovations in Sept. and Houston Quilt Festival in Oct/Nov. It has been years since I traveled, so it will be a new experience for me with the restrictions.

I was totally surprised that the list allows Knitting Needles and 7" or less Screwdrivers. :o

I wondered if anyone has taken their portable GPS navigaion system onboard? I would take mine with me if I knew they wouldn't take it away from me at the airport. They allow laptops, and PDA's, but no mention of vehicle GPS units.

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Gloria, You can bring scissors on the plane with you, under 4''. I fly periodically and always bring a piece of quilting with me to do, usually applique and have never had anything taken away from me. Inspected yes, taken away, no. I bring a couple of extra needles and just pin them to the corner of the piece that I'm working on. If fact I'm flying to Seattle in 3 weeks, enroute to Alaska, and will be bringing a Whig Rose piece to work on. Now watch, now that I said I've never had anything taken away they'll take my scissors. Once, purely my fault, I left several hard to find colors of silk thread in the pocket in front of me, then didn't have any thread to quilt with during my trip. I was really bummed. Now I keep myself more organized when I'm flying. Good luck with your flight to Vienna, best wishes to you new grandchild. DB

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I'm feeling better about taking them with me now. I can't for the life of me thread a needle that the thread has been cut with a blade. I need a clean tip or it just won't go thru the eye. The ones I use the most when traveling are only 2 1/2 inches long but really sharp. Tips included! I have used nail clippers but if they are not sharp then I'm back to fuzzy ends on the thread.

Thanks for all the suggestions and helpful hints, I've posted more pics on my webshots site of the other two quilts I've done and will be packing for the trip. Next one is for Hope and Walter. I hope I have room for it! Glo

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