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Been too busy to post

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I haven't had much time to post in the past couple of weeks, summer is comming to an end, school is starting next week (my oldest is a junior in high school and my son is starting juior high and my 3 yougest are in grammer school), and I am trying to wade through these custom quilts that I thought would be such fun...NOT!!! Since I am not use to doing customs I way under estimated the time it was going to take to do them and since I gave my customer a very good discount I am making not nearly enough for the time it is taking to do them. I have done 6 customs in the past 6 weeks and I have 7 more to go :( I have been trying to throw in an ETE quilt here and there just to try to break up the never ending customs.

Lesson learned this summer never offer a customer discounts on customs....they will take advantage of your generosity and you will end up cursing each quilt, lol I am starting to feel a little of quilter fatigue as a result and will push myself through the last of these customs then probably not do customer quilts from Thanksgiving through the end of the year just to regroup and relax. Then in January increase my custom prices so no one will ask me to do them again ;) lol

I hope everyone else has been enjoying their summer and been able to get out and play when they can. :)

Thanks for letting me blow off some steam :) I feel a little better now.


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The custom quilting can sometimes go faster if you load the quilt sideways. I do this frequently on custom quilts because it seems to be less starts and stops. I can also get more quilting done before rolling and don't have to roll as often.

Hang in there, and definitely increase your custom prices!! I recently increased custom quilting prices quite a bit and I'm finding that customers with the higher quality quilts are willing to pay the increased custom prices. Customers with the lower quality quilts usually are not willing to pay the increased price and usually opt for an ETE or panto. I've also had several that will go get a $30 custom job from someone else. You get what you pay for, so that is fine with me!!


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Hey Joanne - glad to hear you are back on the chat. Good luck with the back to school stuff. My kids start on Monday and I can't wait. It's my sons first year of full day school, so we are very excited here. They wear uniforms so we are busy getting them all washed and hung up, etc. School supplies are everywhere:P. Take care!

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Joann, I never give a time line on when a quilt will be done. I have 50 customer quilts to do, 3 are pantos the rest are custom. I tell them that life happens and the only guarentee I can give is that when I do their quilt it will get 100%. This year between my brothers embezelling money from my mom, DS getting sick, DH grandmother dying and scare with DD having a cyst on her bone, well lets just say I didn't get the quilting done that I wanted to but when I did quilt it was the quality of quilting that they deserve.

P.S. I use to be a really good speller until spell check, spoiled now. Excuse any spelling errors. :)

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