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Ok my dear friends. I am going to post a picture (I HOpe) of a QOV quilt that I need help with. I need ideas desperately. I have been staring at this quilt and trying out ideas for a couple of weeks and I have lost my way. would you do each block individually and then of course echo the cowboy or do an all over except for the cowboy or? any suggestions will be ever so gratefully accepted.


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Hi Bekah, rather than echo the cowboy/bronc, perhaps you could do radiating lines out to the edges of the block--looks like a sun burst? I think that would really set it off and add some jazzy splash to the middle. And it would cause the eye to move around the outer quilt blocks. Not sure what to do on the outer blocks, but I am sure some folks here will give you great ideas.

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Hi Bekah in Gresham.....

Looking at your quilt, I can visualize radiating lines in your center block. Then I would use some kind of CC's in the blocks and it will be done and fabulous.......

Gorgeous quilt by the way.....share pictures when your done.....we love show'n'tell.....:D

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I knew I should have posted this earlier, I would never have thought of radiating lines and I like that idea a lot. I should mention that the star blocks are 12", the sashings are all 1 1/2 and the border is 2 3/4. do you think I need to put anything in the sashing or just SID around the blocks?

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I think Shana hit it right on the head...radiating lines would really set that off. I would add just a loop meander in the small border, kind of like a rodeo rope thing. For the blocks I would do somthing "stipplish", Sue Patten's favorite word. That would make the stars pop. For the outside border I would probably do something with stars. Maybe just terry twists in the stars then you wouldn't have to do sid. On the flag blocks which remind me of sands of time I would do some kind of grid work in the flag portion and something more patrioc in the white portion. You could even write words like honor, country, freedom, etc. in the white areas. Can't wait to see it all done.


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I love the idea of gently echoing the cowboy right up next to the applique then adding the radiating lines. Make them squiggly lines if you want to show action.

Then sort of CC type arched lines inside the triangles and squares. Then a pattern of parallel lines in the flag blocks.

I've tried to do a picture, but I don't do well with paint.

Oh, for the inner borders, which are kind of thin, what about a rope cable. So easy and quick.


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I'm sure that you have already started this, but just wanted to add an important thing, that maybe you havn't thought of.

First off both the radiating lines and the echo around the center applique are good ideas...However, when you echo very very tight or have your lines really really close you need to make sure the rest of your quilt has an equal amount of quilting.

I have used this method in several custom quilts and the echo was say 1/2 or 5/8 apart and the lines were from the center to say 1/2 when done at the outer edge...in doing this the rest of the quilt was done in a more loose design and when washed the center pulled in and created a huge "D" cup that wouldn't lay back down no matter how much blocking we did. I wound up taking some of the echoing out of the first quilt and the second one I had to tear it all out and started over.

Just didn't want something like this to happen to others. If I had had a more uniform quilting over the whole quilt....(i.e. tight center tight the balance....or loose center and equal the rest) I wouldn't have had this problem.

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