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C3-Courtney Curtis Concert....benefit for her family

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So, this weekend marked Custer County High Schools Homecoming and also a loss of one of its students. A young girl named Courtney was killed this weekend during our Homecoming parade. The poor thing lost her footing and fell under the semi truck that was pulling the Sophomore float.

My husbands recording studio is sponsoring a benefit concert for Courtney's family. We are anticipating several people to attend on a donation basis and are also having food served for purchase. Every penny will go to her family.

Please keep her family in your prayers. Being that we are such a small community this has affected everyone. The funeral is tomorrow at 10am and then I am back to the grindstone to find more donations and contributions for her family. I am not even sure if they know what is happening with the benefit, but i do know that as a parent I couldn't just stand by and do nothing. It made total sense to me that something needed to be done for this little girls family. I know that money is the last of their concerns at this moment, but I want to make sure that it will be the least of their concerns when this is over.

We have a $10,000 goal and have had many a supporters from the beginning.

If you would like to make a donation to the fund just call me. 719-213-0036cell 719-783-2241home

love u all

take care

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Oh Manda, that is so sad! A few years back, a young boy (maybe 12) was in our town's annual parade and he was walking next to the float and slipped and fell under the trailer tire and was squashed. So very horrible to anyone who witnessed this and the family who had to bury their kid. Just awful!

You are a jewel to take the lead on this donation. I will keep your town's families in my prayers and I will give you a call to make a donation.


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Although the weather was HORRIBLE, we still managed to pull off a great show. We had several performers show up to support the family. gospel, country, rock, metal, accoustic metal MY WORD it was as assortment for all! We raised almost $1300 for the family. I know that had the weather been suitable we would have met our goal.

Thank you for your prayers and support.


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In a small town like Westcliff $1300 is a great success if you ask me.

Way to go. I\'m such a proud MOMMY!!!!!!!!

I know the family really appreciated all the efforts from the heart.

It is that kinda thing that gets you through. I mean people reaching out to help. Not the money. That\'s wonderful News.

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