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Hartley base extender?

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Hi, my name is Catherine & I'm a gadgetholic . . .

I bought the Hartley base extender with my machine because it sounded great, but I have not actually used it, because I find it cumbersome. Has anybody got any tips for making the thing more useful? Or should it stay in the closet with the rest of the STUFF?

P.S. The straight line thingies that came with it are great, I use them all the time.

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Catherine, I only use my extended base when I am doing SID or ruler work, otherwise it is off the machine (too much drag). And as Mary Beth suggested, I also raised my top roller bar and also my black leveler bar a inch higher so the extended base does not bump into them; this adjustment makes working with rulers much nicer, now! :)

I handle my extended base like a delicate fragile egg... I am so afraid to drop it it might break! (I\'m a klutz!) I am super careful when sliding it on or stowing it away in the cabinet.

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