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NQR - Vent about work

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I need to vent a little about what's happening at work. A woman is feeding her control issue and made a decision that will be affecting the whole company. The problem is that I'm on a committee that is involved in the outcome and effects of the decision and it's just making me sick. This decision is NOT business...it's personal for this woman. It upset me SO much today that my arm was numb and tingly.

Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do. Yes, I know I should just let it go, but this committee has been around for 17 years serving the employees of the company and is being disbanded on this woman's whim.

Tomorrow will be better. Karma Karma Karma...

Thanks for listening. :(:(:(

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If it makes you feel better I\'m having a week like yours! I work at a research center and I\'m the financial manger. Now mind you that the people I work with are brilliant but they have 0 common sense! I have spent two days explaining the easiest thing!!!! They are so used to having big problems to solve they make everything difficult!!!! My head feels like it will split open! I should have called in sick and gone to the dying workshop my guild is having today...it would have been a whole lot more fun!

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I\'m so sorry that you guys are having a bad day at work. For as ill as our people are, and boy howdy are they!, I\'m still having pretty good groups. Maybe I should trade you all people for a while. I\'ll take the ones who are "mentally healthy", but being pills, and trade you for some of our sick folk. Give a taste of how the other half lives to the ones you\'ve got.


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This person sounds like someone I work with. Everytime she doesn\'t want to do something, she screams discrimination, threatening to have her pastor go to the media. After 10 years of this she has no work on her desk and she is afraid of being laid off. Of course, now she is complaining about being selected for lay off based on being a member of a protected class.

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This person sounds like someone I work with. Everytime she doesn\'t want to do something, she screams discrimination, threatening to have her pastor go to the media. After 10 years of this she has no work on her desk and she is afraid of being laid off. Of course, now she is complaining about being selected for lay off based on being a member of a protected class.

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jmerrill, I HOPE your guild was having a dyeing workshop! :P

smd719, You NEED to go see a doctor ASAP. A younger gal in our guild had symptoms in her legs that she ignored. Turned out she had a stroke! Her husband finally insisted on taking her into the hospital but it was a couple of days later. :(:(:( They found out then that she has had diabetes and high blood pressure. Having the stroke probably saved her life, because they now know about what caused it, but if she had gone in sooner, she would have saved herself much of the damaged caused by the stroke. Oh dear...

So y\'all take care!

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grrrr....those happenings at work will raise your blood pressure every time. I recently left the corporate world and as you would expect - my blood pressure is amazing now. The doctor remarked on the difference and then when I went in for preop they were amazed as well.

Think happy thoughts whenever possible following those experiences - it\'ll be better for your health.

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Our guild really did have a dying workshop, Carol Soderland. Her work is amazing! I was so tempted and really I should have because those guys would not leave me alone and I didn\'t even get done what I was supposed to get done! It has been that way all week. I\'m hoping for a snow day tomorrow...doubtful since our President (I work at a university) thinks that we should come in no matter how bad the roads are! We\'re getting 1/4" - 1/2" of ice tonight and then 3 - 6" of snow on top of that. It should make for an absolutely misserable commute! I brought work home with me but if the campus closes I\'ll quilt instead! :P

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