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UFO finishing frenzy ???

UFO finishing frenzy ???  

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Listing them all helps get them in the limelight. I have a list of to do\'s that I use as my screen saver... it has helped me boost some of the gonnas to a higher level. And I agree that sometimes you just changed your mind and someone else will love what you have already done and see it as a half done gift... so give it!

Yep, bins and boxes are like rabbit hutches for projects. I actually think that the newer fabrics get an attitude from hanging out with the "old guys". Maybe we should keep them in separate rooms!

I also instiututed a rule for myself. Projects underway have to be visible... no hiding them. That way I am not only reminded of them, but get sick of looking at them and the self discipline kicks into high gear.

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Maybe it\'s like spring cleaning...looks like a lot of us are like-minded and getting our UFO\'s done. I have 5 different kaleidoscope block sets to go. I made a table topper and a runner out of a bunch of orphan blocks that actually look like they are matching, and several others to finish up. The hard work is done on the kaleidoscopes, now just sashings, cornerstones and borders! I finished up all the little stuff. But, (the big but) I have purchased more fabric for 5 other quilts that were actually sort of planned. Why do I do that to my self?? I\'m trying to get several done for the annual quilt auction for one of the guilds I belong to.

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Hello: Our guild came up with an answer to the UFO situatuion. We all had too, too many UFO\'s in our closets. So for the last two years we have been running a UFO contest. Each member, who wanted to participate, made up two UFO lists: one to keep and one to turn in to the guild. When a UFO is completed, it goes to show n\' tell and then gets crossed off the list. One ticket per item goes into a large pickle jar. At the end of the calendar year all the tickets are counted and we receive "certificates of completion". The one with the most done gets a gift certificate to the local quilt shop----to start more UFO\'s. It has been fun to see what shows up at out meeting and we all chuckle over the ages of the items and at how old some of ours are. Last year I completed 4 and this year I have 6 done. Maybe I\'d gain more ground, if I did not buy any more fabric until I was done!! Of course that sounds to harsh! Jo-Ellen;);)

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Oh yeah! There\'s a reason that stash rhymes with CASH. I am blessed with a husband who says There are always more tubs, and who transports incredibly large amounts of that stash up and downstairs in our virtually no closet house. He says the household mottos should be: Isn\'t every room the sewing room? True, true, true.

We are now working on filling up our vacation home at the beach in another state.

The funniest stash story is that while traveling between states we had to stop at a holiday "safety check" the police were providing. My husband was driving, and the policeman said, Mind up I ask you what is in all those huge Rubbermaid totes? Hubby replied, Fabric of course. The trooper gasped and said, OH NO... you\'d better add air to your tires and hit the gym, my wife just started quilting and the stuff is everywhere! How much can they get? Where does it end? ( His wife has been quilting less than six months!

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I\'m doing that too. I\'ve barely touched my longarm this year. I\'m finishing tops and hanging them with their backings prepping for a UFO quilting marathon. I recently took a class with Diane Gaudynski. She has zero UFOs. Bet Sherry R-H doesn\'t have any UFOs either. I want to be free of UFOs. They really do bog me down. And I want a clean, organized workspace. I\'m changing my ways. ;) ;) I vowed not to start any new projects or take any classes this year but my plan flopped (I forgot). Next Wednesday I have two classes at the same time (one in the morning and one all day, and I\'m going to both. One is ongoing, twice a month, making the Latte Quilt. But that\'s it--until my UFOs are quilted and bound. I\'m really looking forward to my quilting marathon.

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