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Lightbar help

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Dorthy, I don\'t have the light bar that you are looking for, but my hubby went a cheaper route...he put up track lights that hang down about 18 inches from ceiling. They are movable so if I need direct light on a certain spot they can be moved to that spot. I really like them, but have to say that after awhile it does get a bit warm under them, but not so much that I will take them down.

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Thanks, Bonnie.

Well, my DH is on his way to town, so he\'ll be winging it. I can\'t do the track lighting because my ceilings are 12" high in the room that Mel is in. We did buy two 4\' lights in Reno yesterday from Home Depot and I got the daylight bulbs for them. The lights we bought have chains for hanging, so I\'ll be able to slide them around on the bar to where I need them and since my table is 12\', I think they should do fine.

I was sure that the APQS site would have a picture of the lightbar since they offer that as one of their options, but I sure couldn\'t find one!

Thanks for the help!


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Dorthy....next time you run into Reno...and pass the Lemon Valley ext....turn to your right and wave hello to my old house. You can\'t see if from the hwy, but its in the middle of that ratty area. We lived in Black Springs just over 10 years.

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Hi Dorothy,

Just wanted to clarify for you...APQS does not offer an overhead "light bar" as an option. We DO have and overhead wiring option, which basically provides the framework for an overhead power outlet. There are no lights on the bar, however.

That said, several clever quilters have mounted their own track lights or clamp lights to the overhead wiring frame.

Hope that "sheds some light" on the subject:)!

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