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TA DA!!! I have entered the 21st century!!!

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I am very excited, and at the risk of being self serving, I have added 2 more patterns to my website (6 total now) and you can buy them online!!!

Interestingly enough, when I got my machine it was with the intent of quilting samples of my patterns and not to quilt for others. But alas, friends and quilting aquaintances made it too easy to make the money that way, and the patterns went on a back burner. But I know with some of my ongoing neck/shoulder problems, I really have to put more effort into the patterns and get off my lazy bum!!!:D:P:D:P

Let me know what you think!!!

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Very nice Caron!

I love every one of them & will be sending you an order, just love the Fat quarter one! ;)

I love to buy those fat quarter packs that all the quilt shops carry of the new lines, then what to do with them?

This is perfect, now I can crank out the tops that are just sitting in piles waiting to become quilts!

Way to go, what you going to do next? :cool:

I do have a request if you take them, a pattern for those awesome designer prints that are large, I dont want to cut them too small.

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